Dub Shepherds - Soulful Music
Identité : Dub Shepherds
Type : Clip
Support : YouTube
Domaines : , , ,

Créateurs impliqués

Jolly Joseph

Chanteur, musicien & sheperd !

Dr Charty

Producer & Sheperd

Dub Shepherds – Soulful Music

BAT Records presents Dub Shepherds’ new single « Soulful Music »
Digital download and streaming available at https://bat-record.com/soulful-pre-save

Shot by @ngcstudio
Editors @bandwprod
Recorded and mixed at @batrecords4963

Thanks to all people involved in the making of this video : Jocos, Max, Seb Depeige, Marco, Sami, Amelia. Soulful music cannot wait !